Reply To: Incompetent ACC Official Ends State’s season

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Very similar to the last two times we lost to UNC in ACC tourney play: can’t score with runners at third with less than two outs. Yesterday was ridiculous; happened three times (twice with no outs) in 4th, 5th, and 7th innings. And as far as I could tell (wasn’t there, just listening), Carolina was conceding the run. We had multiple chances to just put a ball into play but could not do it, highlighted in the 4th, where Avent pinch hits for two lefties incredibly early in a game and both strike out.

To do it once is a baseball sin, but forgivable; three times in 4 innings? Utterly ridiculous. Three times in three years? Houston, we have a (serious) problem.

Most of the time, I don’t buy the “well you shouldn’t have been in a position for the refereeing to impact you” (year after year, regardless of sport???). However, as horrifically incompetent as this call (it will go down in the annals as an all-timer), this time I agree. We truly should not have been in that position.