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And are you suggesting there is not enough time to practice against presses and free throw shooting?

Rick, let me get this straight. Do you think our coaching staff doesn’t have the players shoot free throws in practice? Really? So it is the coaches’ fault that our players weren’t good free throw shooters this season? It is the coaches’ fault that our players missed 11 of 20 free throws in the last 5 minutes of regulation against St. Louis? This entire line of criticism of Gott seems off base IMO.

As for practicing against presses, do you know for a fact that our team never did that in practice? Do you know for a fact that it was poor coaching rather than poor execution, fatigue, and pressure of the moment by a group of players with relatively limited experience? Do we not give any credit to St. Louis for their defense and execution?

The press criticism may have some validity. I don’t know how often they practiced it this season, and I don’t know how much more they should have practiced it, given other demands on limited practice time. But, again, it seems a lot more like other factors IMO.