Reply To: A Letter from Coach D

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If DD just reannounced that JB will be our QB next year, then he just repeated a mistake. Nothing to gain by it at all. All downside. Does nothing for the team or the players.

I think DD is a good guy, energized, good recruiter.

His coordinators have done nothing in their careers. And they proved absolutely nothing this year. I don’t see them all of sudden becoming brilliant.

I see upside potential with 2 new hires and very little downside. There are plenty of guys out there we could get that have actually been very successful and proven they know how to plan for and call a game. The money would be well spent right now.

Waiting a year to two and hoping for the best is not a strategy. The cost of not doing anything will, IMO, could easily cost DD his job in two more years.

Objective analysis of each game and the progression thru the year of what was and wasn’t done with the players at hand and the strategies employed would support such a move .

DD has all the makings of a good HC, but he need some analytic, innovative, smart coordinators to take us to the top 1/3 of the conference. He will fail in that goal otherwise.