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Pack Mentality

I was at the game last night. It was the first time that I can recall that during the post-game line of handshaking a near fight ensued. TJ Warren and the UNCG player Cain were having words and needed to get separated during the last minute of the game for some kind of trash talk when Warren was getting ready to shoot free throws. Then when the 2 of them came to shaking hands they got in each others face and the whole teams all had to circle around and separate them and then just run off the court real quick. Des Lee was really pumped up after this and ran around getting the State fans to cheer loudly. He then came and high fived all the people sitting in the front row on the way to the visitors locker room (I was one of the people sitting in that front row) along with Cat Barber in an extremely pumped up manner. It was pretty sweet.