Reply To: The Morning After

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Coaching! I like Gott but he’s gotta do better with clock management and put emphasis on areas where we are weak…esp when it costs us the tight games and come-from-behind-losses. How many times are FTs gonna kill us before it’s hours and hours of extra practice at the charity stripe. Practice = perfect, see L Byrd, T Woods, etc. Also, what’s up with the BS t/o with 35sec left in 1st half? Needed that one later in the game. Also, when we are up with a couple mins, and we know we can’t hit FTs or 3s, why is there absolutely no press AT ALL! Why didn’t we drive on them more and kick it out, draw a foul late? We can move the ball on offense, so why didn’t we in the last 1.5min i/o stand around dribbling? MOVE THE BALL! Can’t do anything about a freshman missing cringe-worthy FTs…but practice!! Forget the refs, they’ll never win a game for you. Make FTs and you won! Drive in for higher pctg shots and you won. Just a couple more key rebounds…prbly won! I didnt’ think Moo was really that good, maybe not even top 25, and we should have won this game. A lot of games won can be credited to coaching. I think this loss was coaching. Excusing mediocre play makes mediocre players (see CJL), and it is a contagious disease that affects the team (see CJL). Get pissed and bring it! I’m just saying.