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I am disappointed that she didn’t make a change, but I completely understand that the finances are not there to buy him out or to replace him with a quality coach.

Sacco, I sincerely believe it’s more than just money. Money won’t get a quality coach. The coaching fraternity talks and all the coaches know about our practice facility shortcomings. We don’t see behind the scenes. Pop may have been promised a new mat and mat room to practice on to entice him to come here. How do we do that? Lord knows we need one. Think about it. We don’t have enough mats to train on. Our meet facility (Reynolds) is outstanding but not our practice space.

Read what Mr. Dog said in response to my question. Sam likely knew we weren’t going to get practice facilities and/or assistant-coach money. Esposito was a good friend of AD Valvano and more than likely knew what was and what wasn’t going down. He also knew the financial position of the University.

It’s easy to fault Debbie Yow for this and that. I know she is lobbying, spread-sheets and all that, for money for all sports. Favoritism is a cheap shot and unwarranted (not you). It’s a bang for the buck situation. I’ve mentioned the Title (whatever) has to be considered or bad consequences occur.

I don’t mean to go on and on so I’ll close. Lets enjoy the recruiting.