Reply To: Grease Up, Hook Up, Get Ready to go to the Field – Spring Garden Thread – 2018

Home Forums All StateFansNation Grease Up, Hook Up, Get Ready to go to the Field – Spring Garden Thread – 2018 Reply To: Grease Up, Hook Up, Get Ready to go to the Field – Spring Garden Thread – 2018


Crazy Spring weather continues to defy the calendar…

We had March in February, then February in March…
now we’ve got March again in April….

Ain’t planted the first thing yet… and won’t until end of next week…
Still looking at 5 more nights under 50*…

Down here that’s gonna create the potential for the “sandwich”…

Last year we didn’t hit 90* consistently until the first of July, the year before it was five weeks earlier — the end of May…

Either way — 6 to 9 weeks of “moderate” temps ain’t much time at all…

Plant selection is gonna be tough. And it’s gonna require more irrigation that normal…


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