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Home Forums StateFans Basketball December MBB Game Threads — Five D2s in the PNC…. Reply To: December MBB Game Threads — Five D2s in the PNC….


Whiteshoes absolutely nailed it. We can’t shoot and our roster is a mash up of players around the perimeter that don’t really mesh. Our strength is inside, but likely due to the fact we’ve play d smaller teams. Coach is trying to work Abu back in but we suffer offensively and defensively when he’s playing the four. Shrugs. That’s what we’ve got this year.

I thoroughly enjoyed what I saw of UNC/Wofford. I saw Wofford get up big, then try to sit on the lead. I turned it off when the phantom whistle came out. The things I liked about that game though were that this wasn’t a senior laden Wofford team. They had 5 freshman, 5 sophomores and 2 (3?) upper classmen. UNC also seemingly has absolutely nothing inside. I am not saying we’re beating UNC, but I will say that this is Roy’s weakest team since about year one. Maybe kharma is going to eventually catch up with them.