Reply To: I Fear Not The House Of Deacon. But Just In Case…

Home Forums All StateFansNation I Fear Not The House Of Deacon. But Just In Case… Reply To: I Fear Not The House Of Deacon. But Just In Case…


I totally agree Pack1997. I gave us zero chance to win at WFU. DD is a good recruiter but he is just a jock in the end. He really doesn’t have football smarts. Good coaches are rare. I would say only 1 in 10 people have what it takes to coach a TEAM. There are many, many out there that are just mediocre. He is one of those. Our clock management and play calling are poor very often. DD has had years to get one but clearly doesn’t understand the value of a good kicker. We get bonehead penalties at the worst possible times. This points to a lack of discipline and control over team. Very, very typical of a coach that suffers from mediocrity. On the surface it seems that we have had a pretty good year but really who did we beat that we weren’t supposed to? Louisville and FSU? In reality, our record puts us right where we belong. In mediocrity with our coach. I would not be one bit surprised if we have an L this weekend.