Reply To: NC State Should Go ALL IN as a Football School

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I haven’t listened to the original link, but would strongly argue a counter position:
– NC State has top 15 “input$” in basketball. We do not in football.
– We are a basketball school in the premiere basketball conference.
– It’s a lot easier to keep 13 kids eligible than 85. Given we seem unwilling to play in the grey, at least to the level of some of our competition, it makes the football mission that much harder.
– We may have competitive advantages against UNC, Duke and WF in football, but we don’t against FSU, Clemson, ND, etc.. That’s not to mention the SEC and Big 10 schools that recruit our footprint.
– We’re a lot further from the mountain top in football relative to things that we can control than we are in basketball.

IF the bar is merely beating UNC, Duke and WF, then I guess I understand the argument. We clearly have better inputs than Duke and Wake, though I would argue we do not against UNC. If it is being nationally relevant, I clearly do not understand this argument.

I would also argue that it is laughable that what some think ails the football program are pass outs. That’s from someone who has only used them 1-3 times in many, many, many years of attending games in CF. I don’t really care one way or another about them. I would just point out that our two losses this year (thus far) have happened away from the “pass out zone” that riles so many.

I’d suggest that we let the pass outs discussion go. It was one of the many instances of finger pointing during losses by DD. That was his excuse game one of his tenure. Last week we lost the game because a safety didn’t make a play (called out by name despite getting beaten by 3 scores). A more constructive conversation is getting him better grooming on the post game press conferences.