Reply To: NC State Should Go ALL IN as a Football School

Home Forums StateFans Football NC State Should Go ALL IN as a Football School Reply To: NC State Should Go ALL IN as a Football School


Basspacker – I tend to agree. However, at this point in time, I am not sure that football, as we know it today, will be around in 15 years.

I hope it survives in it’s present form.

Now, if you remove the long term viability from the equation… I do think NC State has some advantages over its fellow North Carolina ACC schools. There’s definitely more passion midway thru the 1st quarter and up to the last 2 minutes of the second quarter…and from mid third quarter until end of game – especially in late afternoon to evening games. (Early first quarter, last 2 minutes of 2nd quarter until mid third quarter we are about the same.)

Having said that, I think quite possibly, to enhance the football atmosphere, the school needs to find a way to have people in their seats when the 3rd quarter starts.

We need to be clearly above and beyond our in-state competitors.

We have the best cultural fit. I think we have more “dedicated/committed season ticket holders. I would really like to see what would happen in Raleigh if we had some type of sustained success.