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Paki’s right. We have a problem with the schedule this year. It rivals one Lowe would have put together — 3 or so good games in the non-conference but the a bunch of RPI killing games. With the latter, win or lose it is kind of a loss, but with a new coach, system, heavy roster turnover, and Abu hurt, we’re not going to win those 3 good games early that we would need to have.

Regardless, I’m more excited about this year than ANY season of the Gottfried or Lowe eras. We finally have a college coach who will run a system that is effective for college basketball. I suspect that it will be paired with high effort night in and night out. If we do those things, it will be the first time I could say that about NC State basketball since V. Get a few 3 point shooters through recruiting and we’ll have a legitimate chance to actually make some noise.