Reply To: So, Ya Got a Visit To South Bend

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We @#$(* the bed today. Outclassed? Out prepared? Not up for the national stage? Didn’t like the cold weather? Punched in the mouth mentally and physically and didn’t recover? Out coached and motivated at the half? Heard for two weeks on campus how good we were? It could be any or all of those things.

The good news is that this was the game that “didn’t matter” in the big scheme of things. All our “real” goals for the season — making an ACC championship game and possibly winning a league title — are still out there. We’ve just got to regroup, heal up, focus and execute.

The bad news is that Clemson looks better than ND to me, and I’m not sure that anyone in our league is playing better than BC right now. We had better right the ship very quickly or we’re going 0-3 in this stretch. Go 0-3 in here and we could easily lose to Wake and enter the UNC game in a complete tailspin.

The next two weeks will tell us what kind of program we have. We faced adversity early this year and rallied. Can we do it again against tougher teams? I hope so.

This is also the reason why contract extension talk mid-year is ridiculous. Let things play out………