Reply To: Going forward

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Good ones come, good ones go and good leaders know how to find ‘em.

Everybody knows where to find them — the AFCA national convention. The good leaders have a list of coaches who want to coach with them for various reasons.

I know you don’t want to hear this but the culture we have in our program now attracts good coaches. I know you think it’s winning but it’s not. AT’s opinion of them not withstanding, we have been accumulating good coaches for the 5 years Doeren has been here.

We have a good mix of veteran coaches and younger coaches — on both sides of the ball.

By the way the AFCA national convention is going to be Sunday thru Wednesday in Charlotte starting January 9th, 2018. The AFCA national convention is in its 95th year. I wondered how Chuck could know all those great coaches he hired and then ran off. 🙁