Reply To: Going forward

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Personally I like the tone I’m seeing on here right now. And there is nothing wrong with “guarded optimism”. My old ball coach had some great sayins’, I’m sure they all came from other people he admired. A couple of them have gotten me through times of trouble and despair, while others served as a limit to create a sense of humility. One of my most favorites was “You can hate losing, but don’t hate yourself for losing”.

I saw that in DD from the beginning. I never saw it in TOB. In CTC I felt he blamed others for the loses. In just about every presser DD had after a loss he never got down on his team, not that I saw. Considering how much negativity he faced I think he had a strong sense of what he wanted to build. Even last year the naysayers wanted his head.

All through last season I saw us coming very close to being very successful. I know we could catch some bad breaks in the games ahead, I feel we already did in the SC game. Two bad instant replay calls, and a blatant pass interference close to the goal line. I don’t pretend we could roll over roll tide, but I do believe if we played them they would know they had a worthy opponent. And THAT is the definition of a team that could be great (another of my old ball coach’s sayins’)

Smarter than the average bear