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chop: I agree. We had those good years with Rivers where we were on the cusp of breaking through. We were probably better positioned on the 5-3 year, but choked coming down the stretch. I still remember sitting in a restaurant and watching it unravel on the road against a fairly mediocre UVA squad. Talent wise, those squads were similar (or possibly a bit better).

We had a year with TOB where we were close, but didn’t get it done. That was with Russel the magician but little defense. This year’s squad is much more balanced and deep.

The two games after the bye tell us whether this will be a special season. Go 2-0 and we are setting ourselves up to play the most meaningful games really since 1979 in our football program. Go 0-2, and we need to finish strong to keep the season from spiraling.