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^Astros pull in out in with 2 outs in the bottom of the Ninth… 2 — 1

Series now headed to the Big Apple….

Sorry Mater Man! Me and Troll tried to send the MOJO but it was too far, too fast….


Now, I’m listening to the Hoos — Cheaters post game radio thing, forgot to change channels after the game, I told ya’ll ’bout my Granddaddy on the Pitt Game thread, anyway…

Mark Mays just said the most “interesting” thing….

Referring to the Zebras who didn’t make the right calls in a close game… the condensed version…

Mays said

“Those are calls we have always gotten, but you can forget that… after yesterday’s decision by the NCAA. We’re NOT going to get those calls anymore.”

Wow!!! Never thought I’d hear that…

Seems Enforcement could be in place and please understand that Swoffy is still the Zebra’s boss..
Imagine that, my friends…

I’m somewhat skeptical, but it COULD be true…
The PROOF will be on the HARDCOURT!

If true…. I know Coach Rat and others are smiling…

We shall see….


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