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Mr. Dog…

You had a fine day with your daughter!!!!


Bro Mc…

You are who you are….

For all of us… “Our strengths are our weaknesses and it’s a fine line between the two on any given day….”

As for the question… “Who’s Boo Boo?”

Truth is…. at most of our ages… we’ve been both Yogi THE BEAR and Boo Boo, more than a few times….

At the end of day, however, at SFN…We’re all sidemen…
“this TEAM of motley fools is greater than any individual….”

and don’t we like to pass the ball around…..


I rather watch the SFN show than the Coaches Show anyday…

“It lasts longer….”


#NCSU-North Carolina's #1 FOOTBALL school!