Reply To: Kevin Keatts Hired

Home Forums All StateFansNation Kevin Keatts Hired Reply To: Kevin Keatts Hired


I’m just now really catching up on who KeaTTs is but the biggest thing that stuck out at me was his teams lost to Duke and UVA in the last two years in the big dance by single digits. Undermanned and they still had a chance to knock two really big names in not only the ACC but in all of NCAA. Time to give the guy a chance. As far as a high school pedigree Hargrave with two championships is about as good as it gets from my perspective. Give him the ability to have higher caliber recruits and he may really surprise some people. I was high on Smart 6 years ago, I think Keatts upside is much better than Smart, to the point where in 2 or 3 years we may be giving him a substantial raise. I’d sure like to silence the naysayers.
