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That’s field corn…

But three Springs ago it was 23*F on March 27-28 up and down I-95…

I’m not saying ya’ll Big Boys don’t know what you’re doing…. but you still you got to get it out of the ground, regardless of the weather…


Last year in New Hanover County, I planted sweet corn every two weeks from early March until 1st of June…

Didn’t get a stand until the 3rd planting… due to the fact that we had April in March and March in April…

Not that I had any input or responsibility, but my old bacca farm bosses used to feed treated corn to the hogs, we’d Q ’em, and I’m still alive.

Last year was a freakin’ disaster with the weather we had…So hot, blooms wouldn’t set, etc. Anyhow, I’ve been cooking up a bunch of “Kentucky Thoroughbred manure compost” all winter. Will see if there’s anything left in a couple of Keeneland race ponies!

Now… that was all UNTREATED seed, which was required by the “Organic” rules and regs…

There’s a reason why you don’t see “Organic” roasting ears in the grocery stores…

Also had something going on I’ve never seen… In places there was whole rows of Corn with female flowers and NO male flowers, and on each side both flowers… which ain’t too good….

Never did figure that out exactly, nor did my ‘experts’….

Un-irrigated corn can be tricky in the best of years…. you got to get an inch of rain twice… when it just starts to tassel and ’bout 10-14 days later… the rest of the crop you have more flexibility….

If you don’t know how to farm, it don’t make a damn what’s on the bag!

"Whomp 'em, Up, Side the Head"!