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Never said that LOWE made the NCAA. My point….Gottfried took Lowe’s talent and got the Sweet 16. I went to St. Louis for that.

I was in Tampa when Lowe made the best run of his tenure in the ACC Tourney. Had we more legs, we WOULD have went to the NCAA that year. Even the UNC fans were panicking. Googs and other NCSU players were in the VIP section and at the half felt we had a good shot.

My point, again….Shaka’s first two years at UT are WORSE than Gottfried’s was at NCSU. Maybe we WOULD have been better with him, but his wife said NO. That, most folks, forget and tend to think that AD Yow mucked that up.

Shaka and the NCSU lawyers had the LOI ready for release and the Monday Presser was planned. Shaka’s wife woke up and was in a Hormone imbalance (pregnant) and REFUSED to go. VCU had raided the piggy banks and borrowed the first year earnings from the Wives and Daughter’s working lower Broad Street for the next year.

Their offer was close enough and wifey said…TAKE IT….or ELSE….go to Raleigh and I MIGHT come down….after your child is born. NO PRESSURE….all Yow’s part for NOT asking….Is your WIFE Pregnant? Is SHE OK with you leaving?