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Interesting take on the BOT. My analysis, with very little insider info, but just following the news, leaked and otherwise was this.

Yow meets with Dr. Woodson and maybe a few others on Sunday, February 12. Everyone is on board with the termination after the WFU beatdown and also looking realistically at the outcome of the season (projected). Yow either has a leak or someone plants a story with Mark Armstrong. One Monday, I think, the feces hits the revolving air handling device. Puts Yow at a disadvantage. Story festers as we are the FIRST to fire a 2017 coach (save the school that did so for “personnel” issues). We are the fodder for lead stories and bylines and opinions.

Meanwhile, AD Yow does NOT have time to deal with leak…which I wonder if it came from OUR side or Coach Gottfried’s side. Yow had used Jordan Bazant to work with Coach Doeren. Mark Gottfried is also a client of Bazant. However, in mid 2016, Bazant left his old firm and went to a new one…one that had him VERY high on the totem. Don’t know if Bazant STILL has one or both or NONE of them as clients. I would have suspected that Bazant knew what was coming….he would be stupid NOT TO…so whether he (or Gottfried) was involved in the leak will be a secret we never find out.

During the REST of Sunday and the week, Yow had to put together a “proposal” and get preliminary approval from the NCSU BOT. They HAVE to approve the contracts and usually are NOT blindsided. IF we were offering a 50% bigger package, then it WOULD be their fiduciary responsibility to understand the need for the increase….the funding source(s)….any “athletic ticket or concessions increases…..etc. In other words, a full blown presentation….so that when she and Dr. Woodson LEFT, they had a clear ticket and parameters to proceed with the coaching search. Without the $$ issues and terms and such, you could not really do any serious negotiations. Depending on the BOT’s schedule, rather than a video conference, slipping in this one items would have been perfect timing.

NOW, to the rest of the week. Flip a coin. IF the BOT was unhappy and IF the mega donors were also unhappy (performance, off court issues, whatever), then they MAY have voiced an opinion. Whether they said….Break the NEWS….get rid of him or Break the NEWS and YOU Decide….I haven’t a clue. BUT, if all the chatter that I heard about the big boys gonna “do this one time deal” were true, then whatever the big boys wanted….would have a mega impact on how the scene played out.

Thanks for sharing this….it certainly fits….perhaps not as you intended or not as I speculated….but it does tidy this up a bit….

Your comments about practice, team “chemistry”, team “respect” and loss of Lutz certainly fits all the behind the scenes and also the outward and obvious comments. When you lose a team, it carries over to the next year….and nothing was done to change course….only more fool hardy things which, in reality, did MAKE it worse.