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Heard an interesting story yesterday. Not sure how reliable it is because the source isn’t a close friend, but he claims the BOT forced Yow’s hand. They were very involved in the decision. And Yow was allowed to decide whether Coach finished the year or not. Interestingly, the timetable matches. BOT did meet on 2/16-2/17. Nothing on meeting agenda that stands out, but my guess is this was a closed door meeting or communication since it’s a personnel matter, and those aren’t subject to NC open meeting/record laws.

On another note, ran into an ex-player from the Sendek years recently who I see from time to time. He’s worked out periodically with the team. He was unimpressed with the practice routines and preparation and development of players to say the least. Just supports what we’ve all observed. And to echo what others have said and what now seems obvious, Lutz was absolutely the only planning/prep and X&O guy worth a crap.