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Hadn’t heard that one… Earl could be right…

Organic Tobacco is a significant crop in the Old Belt and in parts of Kentucky where there were small farms who couldn’t get production contracts with the Big Tobacco companies…

Some of ya’ll, especially those looking for alternative answers, may also remember there was a “scientific report” back in the ’70s that attributed cancer and tobacco to curing methods, not the plant. Basically, the premise was that Indians and others had been smoking tobacco that was air dried for hundreds of years with no increase in cancer rates and the cancer rates only jumped up when curing by wood, then oil became popular…. and that the wood smoke and oil fumes were the culprits, not the plant.

The was also a lot of R&D done in the late 1990’s and early 2000’s developing ways to use green tobacco in pharmaceuticals….

Both were buried silently…

dontworryaboutit13 at

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