Reply To: It's Time to Plow and Time to Plant — Spring 2017 Garden Thread….

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The literary difference between the use of soil v. dirt is kinda the same as with vagina v. pu##y…. and No, they are not exactly the same things…

That said, one of the new products I’m working on is a SuperSoilBuilder product that converts “dirt” to “soil”…

It’a a blend of about 20-24 different natural sources of 18 minerals plus 3-4 different sources of humus, not mulch or compost, plus 50 or so trace elements and improves water retention and drainage simultaneously…

The general idea is to maximize soil fertility in order to minimize plant fertility needs/expenses…

Mr. Dog… What kinds of nightshades are you shuffling? It’s kinda early for ‘maters and ‘bacca…

RThomas… where’s your ‘mater farm?

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