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Three jobs are clearly better than the rest – UCLA, Kentucky, and U*NC.

After that, there is the “A-” tier of Indiana and Kansas. I don’t think Duke quite belongs there because they are wholly a function of Coach K, and when he’s gone, they will be just another good job (with being a small private institution weighing against them).

There are at least 20-25 other schools next, that give a good coach everything he needs to make his mark, just maybe not the “extra bonus” of being at one of the 5 listed above. Each comes with its own specific set of strengths and drawbacks, so it’s more about finding the best individual fit. And it’s unlikely somebody will leave one school in this tier for another (ie, Sean Miller from AZ to NC State). Human inertia is just too strong, unless somebody is under the gun, like Tom Crean at Indiana.