Difference between Russell Wilson & Colin Kaepernick (and NFL open thread)

I saw this earlier in the week and just could not omit it from the blog. You can click on the picture below for better resolution.

Russell Wilson vs Coin Kaepernick

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Home Forums Difference between Russell Wilson vs Colin Kaepernick (and NFL open thread)

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  • #37732


    Yes, JR Sweezy, #64 Guard started and played yesterday. The Seahaw’s webpage is a little bit behind.

    JR started 8 of the 19 games in 2012 and played in all of them.

    This year he has started in every game but one and did not play in it so I assume there was an injury that prevent him from playing.

    He comes from TOUGH stock, on and off the field. I played FB with his dad who was well known in the Charlotte area in the early 60’s. His great grandfather, whom he is named after, was also well known. I have uncles that, how shall we say, would often have various bruises and bumps and damaged body parts on Sunday morning after their “recreational bar room brawling” on Saturday night. They told me that when the fight started (and it would), that you ALWAYS wanted JR (JRs Great GD) on your side….and if he was not, you made sure you were “engaged” with a lesser foe to keep from having to tangle with him.

    I talked to he and his GD at a WP Spring Game. I am 6-1 (215) and he is only 4″ taller, but hi 85 pounds makes him look at least a foot taller and BIGGER.

    He seems to be cut from the cloth of his ancestors….but did I mention that after his Great GD found God, he quit his regular job and retired as a well respected fulltime minister? SO, I hope he will not be a victim of his fame.

    Factoid…with NO back-up other than all the rest were true…

    78% of the retired NFL players fie for bankruptcy in either the 2nd or3rd year of their retirement…..


    Sweezy was there all night. I didn’t see him miss a snap. Of course you never heard his name or number called. For O linemen, that’s a good thing.
    Wilson was harassed and there were several motion and holding penalties. But not from #64.

    I also saw Nate make a couple tackles.


    ^Folks will be seeing Russell’s name in the newspaper for many years after he retires from the NFL…
    and it won’t be because he’s working for ESPN either.

    #NCSU-North Carolina's #1 FOOTBALL school!

    One of the main differences is I have a football signed by RW!RW autograph

    Deacon Blues

    ^ Cool! He gave you his game socks too?

    Sorry bro, had to do it!


    There certainly was not any question about whether or not Russell Wilson could read…Just listen to him speak…

    Let’s have a debate between Russell and one of the UnC fooseball academic whiz kids!

    "Whomp 'em, Up, Side the Head"!


    That debate is doomed before it begins….
    Can’t find a moderator who was fluent in English, Ebonics and Swahili….

    Dr. N’rangoo is unavailable…. I’m told.

    #NCSU-North Carolina's #1 FOOTBALL school!

    My bet is Dr. kangaroo can’t speak English.

    Smarter than the average bear


    Alpha I was right there with ya on RW

    I think most were, CD and (hold on, patting myself on the back) myself being two exceptions. It was just a matter of how long before he got a chance to prove himself. As he said, he trusted in the Lord to lead him down the right path. Don’t think anyone could have possibly envisioned a better situation than where RW find himself just a few years removed from being de-teamed.

    Something to be said about true faith.

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