Would This Be The “UNC Lunatic Fringe”?

So keep it civil (unless Kenan Stadium needs to be carpet bombed) when “imploring” the “Chancellor and BOT” to “step down.”

Keep your emails, calls, letters and every known way of correspondence with the Chancellor and BOT imploring them to step down and for God’s sake have no hand in the hiring of the new AD. If Bill Friday and Holden Thorp hire our new AD then we might as well carpet bomb Kenan and hope insurance will pay. Let’s keep the correspondence civil, succinct, and on point.

After reading that piece, I am not 100% sure because he is pretty equivocal on the subject, but I think Deems is of the opinion that the current UNC administration has de-emphasized football.




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UNC Scandal

58 Responses to Would This Be The “UNC Lunatic Fringe”?

  1. albunde6 08/01/2011 at 9:50 PM #

    Did May play quarterback in a game at CF? We had a couple of years in a row where they had highly rated NC quarterbacks that we smacked in the mouth and sent back to the hole.

  2. StatePhan4life 08/01/2011 at 9:56 PM #

    “The sighs of relief upon hearing of our coach’s firing reverberated from Blacksburg to Coral Gables to Tallahassee, to Clemson. We are the laughing stock of universities across the nation right now due to the decisions that these leaders of our beloved institution exercised. It is unconscionable to me that our very own would conspire to gut Tar Heel football.”

    Notice no sigh of relief in Raleigh. I think we quite enjoyed Butch’s stay over the hill and I think most of us are especially fond of his parting gift to the school and its lovely grove of pine trees.

  3. OldWuf 08/01/2011 at 10:53 PM #

    What an idiot! Typical. Obviously he values his academic degree from UNC very little. I think he dropped a few weights on his head back in the day. Butch was apparently good at winning over the wealthy jocks and wanna be’s. Guys like Deems insure that this scandal will affect UNC long after the NCAA penalties are over. What a maroon!

  4. Mike 08/01/2011 at 11:29 PM #

    I do not remember which show I was listening to when this moron came on. I almost had to pull over because of the disbelief I heard from this doofus. Of course, when they teased Deems May was coming on, I knew it would be good.

    Fortunately I kept driving and I arrove at my destination in metronome time.

  5. rtpack24 08/02/2011 at 7:25 AM #

    Deems May-can you say “snapped”.

  6. Wolfsrudel 08/02/2011 at 8:32 AM #

    This is some hilarious stuff!

  7. Prowling Woofie 08/02/2011 at 12:23 PM #

    Delightful…De-lovely… De-emphasize !!!!

    De(ems)-DORK !!!!!!

  8. Virginia Wolf 08/02/2011 at 8:32 PM #

    Oh, I love it! They keep on showing their idiocy over at the hill. I’m loving the slow burn too and hope it continues. They are continuing on a slide to SMU type penalties.!!!! Loving it!!!!!!

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