Reply To: Gottfried VIOLATED NCAA Rules – TALKED to Dennis Smith

Home Forums StateFans Basketball Gottfried VIOLATED NCAA Rules – TALKED to Dennis Smith Reply To: Gottfried VIOLATED NCAA Rules – TALKED to Dennis Smith


Admittedly, I don’t have my NCAA rulebook in front of me so I’m taking the article at face value, which is always a risk of course. But the way THEY say the rule reads, and the particulars of what THEY say happened and how it all developed….doesn’t sound like even a minor violation to me.

Unless the NCAA somehow interprets the HS confirming that Gott was coming as a request for media coverage, so I guess it’ll depend on who said what to whom, and how that’s relayed to the NCAA when the time comes. Hopefully the HS office wench who took the reporter’s call ain’t a Carolina fan.

Frankly, I don’t care as long as DSJr is gonna wear red. Totally worth it. I hope we already have the proper cheat(s) in place to finalize Bam’s arrival too.

Fuq da NCAA. Level the “field” our damn selves if we have to.