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Funny how some think the only opinion welcomed here is their own.

Maybe “as you were” or “warm regards” as a salutation will be less instigating

Correct me if I’m wrong, but this is your response to not liking others’ opinions of what you had to say, no? Irony?

You interjected the “police situation”, if I may call it that, into this thread as a comparison. I didn’t think it apt, but it didn’t offend me personally either. That being said, lighthearted though you might have meant it, you can’t expect it to be taken that way by all. Nor can you expect those who disagree and/or are offended to not voice as much.

Also, that seems to have been the point of the post to which you refer, which pieced together different quotes of yours, a meaning which seems to have escaped your understanding.

You opened the door, but didn’t like what came thru. Not a big deal, but when you find yourself in a hole, it’s best to stop digging.