Reply To: Pack Picks Up Four Star SG/PF Maverick Rowan For 201547Sports’ seventh-ranked small forward and the 39th-best

Home Forums All StateFansNation Pack Picks Up Four Star SG/PF Maverick Rowan For 201547Sports’ seventh-ranked small forward and the 39th-best Reply To: Pack Picks Up Four Star SG/PF Maverick Rowan For 201547Sports’ seventh-ranked small forward and the 39th-best

Pack Leader

LOVE the pickup…. but I wouldnt go as far as to say Mav is as good, or better, than Wood. Scott not only had one of the quickest/deadliest shots around, he also ran point for Marion his senior year. Watch some of his hold youtube highlight reels & he is banging 35′ jumpers with ease time after time. Not to mention SW was one of the best free throw shooters in ACC history. From what I read, Mav shot just over 70% from the strike…

I do think he will be more athletic & not as big of a defensive liability as SW, but the jury is still out on if he can hang with ACC competition right out of the gate. He needs some time in the gym, and with his late arrival dont expect too much improvement between now and first day of practice.

I did find it weird that he was quoted as saying he didnt know any of our current players. He knew about the opening on the wing with the loss of BSW & Lacey, but I would have thought he would get to know some of his teammates before commiting. Oh well.

Great job recruiting Gott!!!!