Reply To: Pack Picks Up Four Star SG/PF Maverick Rowan For 201547Sports’ seventh-ranked small forward and the 39th-best

Home Forums All StateFansNation Pack Picks Up Four Star SG/PF Maverick Rowan For 201547Sports’ seventh-ranked small forward and the 39th-best Reply To: Pack Picks Up Four Star SG/PF Maverick Rowan For 201547Sports’ seventh-ranked small forward and the 39th-best


The best bombers in a Sate uniform I have seen:
1. Derrick Whittenburg
2. Rodney Monroe
3. Monte Towe
4. Scott Wood

Derrick and Rodney could manufacture the shot. Monte and Scott needed a setup.
If Maverick Rowan even comes close to these it will be a big win.