Reply To: Pack Picks Up Four Star SG/PF Maverick Rowan For 201547Sports’ seventh-ranked small forward and the 39th-best

Home Forums All StateFansNation Pack Picks Up Four Star SG/PF Maverick Rowan For 201547Sports’ seventh-ranked small forward and the 39th-best Reply To: Pack Picks Up Four Star SG/PF Maverick Rowan For 201547Sports’ seventh-ranked small forward and the 39th-best


I think Rowan is more of a scorer than a pure shooter like Wood was coming in. I think he can fill it up, but wonder how efficient a scorer he is. That will be interesting to see. He can already dunk more than Scott Wood. 😀

I loved Wood’s game and his shooting. We can only hope to have another one like him.

As for a step back, Lacey had a pretty good one last year. Really, he had pretty much all the types of shots.