Reply To: Pack Picks Up Four Star SG/PF Maverick Rowan For 201547Sports’ seventh-ranked small forward and the 39th-best

Home Forums All StateFansNation Pack Picks Up Four Star SG/PF Maverick Rowan For 201547Sports’ seventh-ranked small forward and the 39th-best Reply To: Pack Picks Up Four Star SG/PF Maverick Rowan For 201547Sports’ seventh-ranked small forward and the 39th-best


Is he a shooting guard (SG) or power forward (PF)? Seems a contradiction.

As I read, he seems like a shooter – we had Scott Woo and then we had BSW. Can we call Maverick Woo Jr? Hopefully we plays some defense so we can add the D back to the name.

Good pick-up though, and I am happy to see him on board. Now if we can just keep him out of the jetwash.