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Comments…..and humor is challenged due to head cold – ugly weather in G’boro….spent too much time outside with too little alcohol.

UNC (Hahvad of the South) versus the REAL Harvard (coached by a Dook Grad and Dook assistant). Obviously the Computer that the selection committee used has a REAL sense of humor. Can you imagine the SIGNS in the crowd if there were an ACC Match Up? Real Student Athletes who ATTEND classes versus Pretend Student Athletes who have a “Hall Monitor” so that they really DO have to attend classes?
That is the best match up of the day.

Second Best….John Wooden’s ghost is alive. UCLA, who go dismantled….I mean cut up, stomped on, run over, ground up and then burned….but still survived. It was KY 41 and UCLA 7 @ half. Then final was 83 – 44. Cal ran out of cheerleaders or it would have been worse…and UCLA makes the cut. Sounds like the NCAA heiarchy had a hand in this one….as it ranks as the most inept selection of the day. Miami has requested a review….as well they should.

Don’t understand Archie’s Flyers got a play in. Wonder if Davidson will be allowed to use their Tuxedo Speedo FT diversion…..and they got in….without a play in.

It appears that Roy’s coaching history is being embellished by the OAT that only hear part of what is whispered into their ear pieces. Roy has HOW many “Straight” NCAA appearances? Say WHAT? Charlie Scott was the FIRST ACC Black Scholly? NOPE…it was UMD. Dean’s minister challenged his to offer a Scholly to a Black Athlete….that was a SLAP in the face of the UNC Racial Policies. The first UNC Black Attendee was issued a “swim card”….which they then revoked. The graduates on several sides of him (alphabetically) chose NOT to WALK or attend their OWN Graduation. The IRONY was that….that UNC was the most racially prejudiced campus in the ACC….save USC? BUT, the press did not study the history or read the “Black Student Memories” on the UNC web pages. NCSU had a Black Golf Team Captain in the 50’s.

Finally….and then the rant is over…..

We GOTT to have a good game against LSU. I hope that Turner lives in the Case Center and shoots more jump shots than the fake UNC classes. He has GOTT to have a good game..

GO PACK….onto to Pittsburg…..