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did you click on that Google link and read the details of the new Google search algorithm based on the “truth and accuracy” of the website?

That sh%t could be “very interesting” in terms of business strategy for internet related businesses.

Yeah, I’ve read a little bit about that beforehand … not quite sure what to make of it just yet. At first glance, I’m wary and uncomfortable of an algorithm deciding what is absolute “fact” and “truth”. I’m admittedly speaking from a position of ignorance as to how the algorithm would work and how Google’s supposed “truth vault” is comprised.

Sounds ripe for manipulation to me. It also sounds like the beginnings of ‘Skynet’, only called ‘Google’ hahahaha

That said, page rankings are heavily manipulated now. I still trust the individual end user to be able to determine fact from BS, however, better than a Google algorithm. Just b/c people can be lazy or even have a taste for salacious gossip doesn’t mean they’re stupid and need to be guided to “correct” links. Huge difference between how to think vs. what to think.

I think I can see what Google is getting at and potentially aiming for, just not sure if I agree til I know more about it. I have a personal thing about not visiting Gawker media or Vox media websites … but that’s my personal decision. I don’t need Google deciding it for me.

It’s interesting.