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If Cat has a concussion, that will be his second that’s been reported while at State. Add that to an ankle injury that forced him to sit last year, and the regular bumps and bruises of a regular season. He’s a tough youngster, fearless, and plays hard. I’m not blaming anyone for last night, but it shouldn’t have ever happened at that stage in the game.

Depending on matchups and his health, we could still be trouble for someone in the tournament.

I’m not a Washington fan, but I agree, he should’ve played last night earlier and more often against the matchup zone. He had 9 on 4/7 shooting in 20 minutes last game. We needed his offense to collapse that zone, or at least threaten it. Freeman and Abu are passive at the top. Anya had a solid performance in Game I, but he cannot defend their bigs or the screen and roll. We were dead last night anyway you slice it, but I do think we could’ve been more competitive. The score doesn’t really accurately reflect how much of a blowout it was. K called off the dogs early.