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Good post. I looked at the NCSU v GT scenario and since we took 2, we would be #9. Did not go far enough up the food chain…..since we took 2 from WFU, then you are right as GT’s record is there….no more games.

Great post…

DY said, via email, last night that she THOUGHT we were in, and the ACC had told her folks that also. Don’t know WHO exactly called who or talked to who, but SHE was still going to do her own personal tally sheet before she was satisfied. Can’t blame her. I did mine after GH’s comments and the “thrill” of the victory had worn off.

GH’s comments almost poured the entire bucket of bad luck (the Curse of the Announcer telling you something is virtually in the bag….) on EA and crew.

Two pitchers…..both with “save” records less than “how shall we say…not oozing with confidence…” was spooky. BUT, it turned out OK….

Glad we did not have to use the WF trick of loading the bases to see if the pitcher was up to it again…