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Okra and Cukes work in there. Also purple hull crowders for me. The corn is Serendipity (bi color and REALLY sweet), YUM YUM YUM. Corn is really packed tight, 4 rows six inches apart and staggered 6 inches. Cukes, peas and beans love ’em for climbing. Only problem is cukes can sometimes hide and next thing ya know you have a dirigible on your hands. Squash is zucchini, yellow, blue hubbard and acorn. My beds run east to west and plant the corn on the north side, everything else on the south half. I run 3/4 pvc with tiny holes for DIY surface irrigation right down the middle of the corn. When it’s about 2 feet high I slip some liquid fertilizer in there and everything in those two beds jump.
Smarter than the average bear