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Ok, Agree with the dark matter thing. I’ll add 2 more sacred cows.

#1. “Global Warming”. Not sure I believe the hype at least. Have not studied it but there seems to be some serious group think going on as well as bias in regards to funding, etc.

#2. Evolution. They don’t know if it takes a “long time” or what. This to me seems like the perfect case of a “natural law” that cannot be documented other than by drawn cartoons. To solve the “long time” dilemma you would think that in fast replicating organisms we could get some confirmation to lend weight to the claim. If you can’t induce a singled cell organism to change into it’s cousin, I’m not sure how we get this now seeming unquestionable axiom.

In unrelated news I read the other day normal saline now causes renal failure….so anyway, I think these need further study and IMO the general public is wise to be skeptical of these 2 specific “scientific facts”.

I’ll add this on the while on the soapbox.

#3. Vaccines? I think generally beneficial. Hepatitis B? Not so much. Anything that is behavior oriented should not be required IMO.

Unscientific conspiracies? I’m cool with WTC7 and the moon landing. JFK is another story. Everyone knows the official Las Vegas massacre story is BS.