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My question is to the Greys of the world. Do you still love all things DD? I pretty much view him the same as I did before.

I take it you included me in that roster. I think he could have handled it much differently. I’m sure Tenn didn’t call him directly at first but rather went through his agent. And I’m also sure he could have had his agent bring him a number without him being in direct contact. Then he could have not acknowledged anything until he had worked out things with DY. As the old saying goes “perception overrides truth”. In this case the perception would have been that he was determined to stay at State from the beginning rather than playing the ends against the middle. The old squeeze play brings a degree of dirt with it. You may be safe at home plate and still get called out. Too much risk vs. reward. The other side effect is those who were not overly fond of him in the first place have more ammunition.

Smarter than the average bear