Reply To: Saturday Basketball — Other Games of Interest…

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Luke DeWhatever will get the pick of the “72 Virgins” tonight. Maybe even Mikey will let them wear “Dookie” stuff. They were probably running out and would have had to do laundry tomorrow.

Wonder if Mikey will let them in Locker Room again. Danny did not do a good job. Capel did not do much either. It was the laddies in blue that came back. WFU folded.

Self vs. Cal. Obviously pulling for Self….but you never know. Will there be a Baylor like scandal in Lawrence. Been through Lawrence…TWICE. It ain’t much from the Interstate. BUT, the 16 YO that done the Recreational Stuff with a little booze and then participated in an “assault” and THEN BOLTED (making her a runaway)…. That is the story. This has all the makings of a Megyn Kelly INFOMERCIAL INVESTIGATION. Self may be hung by his short curly hairs….but being a POTENTIAL HOF, he will no be held accountable. Pitino is giving him pointers on deniable plausability or is it Plausable Denialability…..

I did NOT know what was Happening. Nobody saw me in the Dorm. You can’t prove a thing….sounds great to me…

Kansas is NOT making Cal’s day. 1:39 and UK up 5 over UK….but remember WFU v Dook….

Self wondering if he could make a mid life career change and start selling cars or doing Trump promos….