Reply To: [Bball] A Defensive Breakdown: What Are We Doing Wrong?

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This is the most interesting thing I have read on any Wolfpack blog in a long time. Great job. And thanks for the time you put into it.
I can only conclude that at the end of the day, as the captain of the ship, Gott must not be putting in the practice time on defense. We just added another couple of coaches who have been around, with Early, Lutz, and Shroyer we have former head coaches. These guys HAVE TO KNOW THIS STUFF. This isn’t top secret stuff that only a few coaches know. They are either not able to teach it to the players, or aren’t putting enough time into it. And not only that, Yow is a basketball coach and she knows what good defense is as well.
I like Gott, and appreciate the fact that the program is in better shape than in a long while, but PLAY SOME FREAKING DEFENSE!!