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Old vs. young is one that links with red vs blue voters. It has done that election over election every since the solid south swung from one party to another. Older people get more “conservative” and typically vote towards issues like national security, pension protection, and to the right on social wedge issues.
Trump won. That’s great for him and those that support him. I really hope he does a stupendous job and goes down as one of our nation’s best presidents.
He’s got a lot of challenges based on how he got elected. This isn’t a mandate as many GOP proclaim. It’s an election where the candidate lost the popular vote, lost the educated vote, lost the moneyed vote, yet won. He’s seemingly not recognizing that and running his early days like his campaign, and with all the tact, awareness, sensitivity and understanding of his new job like it’s the days of the wild wild west.
Some other quick thoughts:
– A representative Democracy is an idea that is past its time. It was primarily put in place to protect the interests of white, land owning males and to figure out what to do about slave populations. That’s not the country we live in any more, and the system should be changed to reflect that.
– The beauty of our system is that it allows for change, and that’s been done many times over the years. It appears it is time to change something else. I highly doubt it will happen.
– Absolutely agree that voting should require appropriate identification.
– The article about tax money is tax money sent to and received from the Federal election. The Federal election is about the Federal level. Local taxes and state taxes are taken in at the local or state level and spent at the local or state level. Pretty simple. Yet, if the argument is that the article at the Federal level doesn’t matter because there are additional local and state level taxes, then that is incorrect.
– I see California leaving as similar to Texas leaving. Both have made noises in this direction over the past 10+ years. Both would fracture our union. Our geo-political enemies (China, Russia, and others) would like nothing more than to see this happen. Fracturing the USA would leave us similar to what Europe was before the EU and what they’re seemingly going back to.
– Globally the world is seeing a rise in nationalism. In the US, we see nationalism, but I think it’s also paired with a rise of “don’t tread on me” States’ rights. What many call nationalism is something that I think is more like isolationism.
– Our actual voting systems need to be overhauled. The fact that we run elections with a piece of paper and a pencil is baffling. The fact that there are “counts” and “recounts” is baffling. The fact that it isn’t real time is baffling. I work in technology. This system is primitive and prone for errors. I’ll bet it is the same 2 years from now and then 4 years from now.